SolArk was founded and is owned by Carsten Lüdemann. SolArk communicates and designs sustainable architecture – with a focus on holistic thinking (Life Cycle Thinking). This involves looking at the following aspects:
- environment / climate
- health / social and
- total economy / LCC
With approx. 20 years of work experience as an architect in Norway, SolArk has gathered extensive experience and knowledge in material properties, energy efficiency, energy sources, solid wood, detailed design, site & climate adaptation, area efficiency, permaculture etc.
Together 10 years of teaching at the University of Applied Sciences, Lübeck/Germany and at the University of Southeast Norway (USN) is an ongoing, valuable and educational experience in the field of knowledge transfer, professional ethics, responsibilities and opportunities.
SolArk is genuinely concerned about climate and the environment – and that requires sincere and consistent sustainable architecture and holistic thinking.
THE SUN – sends no bill
The sun is a renewable energy source – both passive and active. Sunenergy can be used to heat the building and provide light and atmosphere, but can also produce eletric energy. Along with wind power, geothermic heat and biomass, it is climate neutral. The sun gives energy to our planet for free – many times more than we need.
Wood as a building material
SolArk is genuinely concerned about wood as a natural and renewable building material. SolArk has been fascinated of WOOD since childhood – and later as a student where I worked as carpenter and for the last 20 years as architect. WOOD – the tree in the forrest, the timber in the sawmill, the solid WOOD on the building site or as a design element. When production of massive WOOD started in Norway in 2002, SolArk was with from the very start.